As much as we love trees, sometimes tree removal is a necessity. If a tree has become a liability in some way or is growing in a problematic spot, it might make sense to safely have it removed. When that happens, you’ll be left to determine what to do with the tree stump.
You might be wondering, is it better to grind a stump or remove it entirely?Tree stump removal vs grinding are two very different services. We’ll explain what you should keep in mind when deciding between the two.
But first, we’ll address why you shouldn’t just leave a stump behind. This is a question that we sometimes get asked and there are a few reasons why this is not optimal.
We’ll cover:
After reading this article, we hope that you’ll be able to make the best choices for your property.
If you’ve removed a tree, you should not just leave the stump behind and there are a few key reasons why.For one, a left-behind stump is going to begin to rot. When this happens, it can become an invitation for a Carpenter Ant or Termite colony to form. Rotting wood is very attractive to these pests because it is easier to eat. The last thing that you want is a pest infestation in your yard that could eventually make its way to your home.
Another reason to get rid of a tree stump is the fact that it will become a mowing obstacle and a trip-and-fall hazard. Mowing equipment can even be broken if a low stump is accidentally run over.
A left-behind stump is also an eyesore. Along with that, you have to consider the fact that a tree stump takes up valuable space. They can get in the way of otherwise usable space.
Tree stump grinding involves using a specialized piece of equipment to grind the stump down to the “below grade” level. All surface-level parts and exposed roots are ground down to mulch.This is considered an effective removal technique by Certified Arborists, though it does leave behind some sub-surface roots and mulch. Even so, this is typically the preferred method as tree stump removal involving intensive excavation can be expensive and destructive to your property.
As the name implies, tree stump removal involves removing the stump and its roots in its entirety. This requires heavy-duty excavation equipment to dig a hole and excavate all of those sub-surface parts.As we mentioned above, this can be a destructive process that tears up your yard and leaves behind a big hole. A tree’s roots also extend far into a yard. Tree stump removal will mean major lawn restoration to repair all of that damage.
Tree stump removal is much more costly as compared to a tree stump grinding service.
In the vast majority of cases, tree stump grinding is going to make the most sense since it’s significantly less invasive. It also costs a lot less to grind a stump as opposed to removing it entirely.
In most cases, stump removal in its entirety is not necessary. Most people do not want to go through having to repair an entire yard. Unless you are completely clearing your land, you probably don’t want to choose tree stump removal.At Seacoast Tree Care, we rarely perform tree stump removal for the reasons mentioned above. Most of the time, tree stump grinding is more than sufficient.
It is important to work with a professional when dealing with a tree stump.
This work can be dangerous but with the right knowledge, training, and experience, a good tree stump grinding service will be able to handle it.At Seacoast Tree Care, we can take care of both your tree removal and tree stump grinding needs. When you choose to work with a reputable service, you can let go of any worries and know that you’re going to get the job done right.
Are you looking to have a tree and its stump removed at your Southern NH, ME, or MA home? Request your consultation and get a free quote for tree removal services. By making a wise choice, you’ll know your trees are in good hands.